Ben Aigan
Ben Aigan, Moary. Section 21A.
Height – 471 metres. Map - OS Landranger 28.
Climbed - 9 October 2011. Time taken – 2.25 hours.
Distance – 7.5 kilometres. Ascent – 280 metres.
Trip Report Details:
I still had a couple of hills to climb in the Keith area so with the forecast of improving weather I set off up the A96. However as I passed through the Glens of Foudland the cloud lowered and it started to drizzle so I briefly wondered if I should continue. At Keith I left the A96 and headed along the A95 through Mulben as the cloud lifted off Ben Aigan and I soon reached the Forestry Commission sign for its car park.
The parking area was actually further into the forest than I expected and here there were notices and pamphlets about the various mountain bike trails within Forestry Commission property in Moray. On leaving my car I followed the vehicle track and mountain bike trail as it headed south-west. The track later swung round to the north as it gradual gained height.
I had read on Scottish Hills that there was a firebreak, which could be used to cut a couple of kilometres off the approach route, and located it beside a vehicle passing place. I followed the short cut, which was a bit wet and boggy with a couple of fallen trees obstructing the route. I came to a firebreak crossroads where I possibly could have gone left but decided to continue straight ahead. There was evidence of a shod horse having been along this route.
The vehicle track and cycle route was soon rejoined and I followed it until clear of the forest. A sign erected by Arndilly Estate asked for respect of rare wildlife and no noise. I wondered if they abided by their request when shooting grouse. Paths were followed to the summit trig point where it was quite windy. I had views to the nearby village of Rothes and in the distance the Moray Firth. I also observed my next hill, Knockan, with its wind turbines under construction.
After a cup of coffee sheltering behind the trig point I returned to the car park by the ascent route.
Photos taken on walk.